Saturday, February 16, 2013


What Secrets Is the Vatican Hiding?

Secret Archives have about 50 miles worth of shelving, and it has been estimated it could hold about 70 thousand pages, and 1 million books. The Secret Archives was formally established in 1475, but is much older then that.
This large library is located Vatican City has been named in latin: Archivum Secretum Vaticaun or as it is called in English The Vatican Secret Archives. We have been told that the word does not mean secrets are being kept from us, but only that what is being kept in these archives are the Pope's personal property.
The Vatican also has a public library called: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vatican or in English it is called Library Of The Holy See. It is rather a research library and can only be used by men who write to the Pope for permission to use it. Then present documents which represent who they are, and their qualifications for research. Then and only then can they enter the public library. When they enter the public library the only things they can bring with them are a pen and paper. Nothing else. They will be accompanied by two priests and two guards. They will stay with him for the entire time he is there and follow him out when he is finished.
For years people have been wondering what is hidden in the Secret Archives and why? That is a very good question because the Secret Archives are actually guarded by Swiss Guards. The doors are very heavy and locked. The Catholic Church has been under much criticism for keeping information away from the public, so now 100 documents are going to be put on display from February 2012 until September 2012. These documents will be at Rome's Capitoline Museume, people will be allowed to see the document but not touch it. The document will be in a shot proof case and heavily guarded. This exhibition will be called: Lux In Arcana or The Vatican Secret Archives Revealed. The problem is however, it will only contain such documents as the last writing of Mary Queen of Scots before she was executed. It will contain similar writings, but nothing we have not already learned from what history has taught us.
There have been many theories as to what is hidden in the Secret Archives, some mundane and some not. These theories go from what I think is normal to what I think is crazy. The most widely held belief is that it holds books that have been banned from the bible. The theories then start to get stranger.
One theory is that Secret Archive has a time machine. The time machine is named Chronovisor and was built by a Benedictine Monk named Father Pellegrino. It was said he wanted to go back in time and film Christ's crucifixion.
There is another theory that the Secret Archive is in contact with UFOs, who are going to harm us. The UFOs are going to implant chips in us, and help the Pope take over the world.
Truthfully, I have no idea why the Vatican has a Secret Archive and is keeping information that no one is allowed to see. But, what intrigues me the most is why? I mean, isn't the bible true?

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